You are doing Protein all wrong!!!

2 min read

You are doing Protein all wrong!!!

Are you tired of consuming protein-rich foods without seeing the results you want? It's time to stop falling for the myth that all proteins are the same. The truth is, to see real results, you need to consume the right balance of all eight essential amino acids. Don't waste your time and money on low-quality proteins. Instead, aim for a 1:1 ratio (your weight in pounds to protein in grams) and consume 40g of protein per serving.

The Myth: All proteins are the same.

In order for a foods protein to be used properly, it must contain the right balance of all eight essential amino acids. So the next time you see that yogurt has 14g of protein, be aware that only 16% is usable! A can of tuna fish has 16g of protein, of which 34% is usable. We call this the Aminos Acid Utilization (AAU).


3 Goals:
🏅 Eat the foods with the highest AAU possible.
🏅 Use a 1:1 ratio. (ie 145lbs = 145g)
🏅 Take 40g of protein per serving minimum.

Protein Options: 

✔️ Beef Filet - 34% AAU / 7.3g per ounce

✔️ Chicken Breast - 34% AAU / 9g per ounce

✔️ Pork Tenderloin - 34% AAU / 7.3g per ounce

✔️ Salmon - 34% AAU / 5.5g per ounce

✔️ White Fish - 34% AAU / 8g per ounce

✔️ Shrimp - 34% AAU / 7g per ounce

✔️ Eggs - 34% AAU / 6g per egg

✔️ Whole Milk - 34% AAU / 1g per ounce

✔️ Cottage Cheese (full fat) - 34% AAU / 3g per ounce

🟡 Note: Ground and fatty meats will have a lower protein content per ounce, google them!

❌ Legumes - only 12% AAU, don’t count these towards goal

❌Vegetables - only 12% AAU, don’t count these towards goal

The Silver Bullet!
🌟 Essential Amino Acids - 99.8% AAU / 10g per 3 capsules / 0 calories!

While it is possible for physically active individuals to obtain their daily protein requirements through the consumption of whole foods, supplementation is a practical way of ensuring adequate intake of not only protein quantity, but also proteinquality, which is crucial for optimal health and performance. By supplementing with high-quality protein, you can minimize caloric intake while still getting the essential amino acids your body needs to function at its best.


Download our free printable Protein Cheat Sheet for quick reference on the road!


Get your Essential Amino Acids today and get your protein goals in check!


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